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Akira Class

Class & Type:  Akira Class Heavy Cruiser
Commissioning Date:  2368

Hull Systems
Size:  7
	Length:   464.43 m
	Beam:   316.67 m
	Height:   87.43 m
	Decks:  19
	Mass:   3,055,000 mt
	SUs Available:  2,200
	SUs Used:  2,177
	Outer Hull:  5
	Inner Hull:  5
	Ablative Armor:  2,100
Structural Integrity Field
	Main:  Class 5 (Protection 8/12) [1 Power/Protection/round]
	Backup:  Class 5 (Protection 4) [1 Power/Protection/round]
	Backup:  Class 5 (Protection 4) [1 Power/Protection/round]

Personnel Systems
Crew:  500
Passengers:  55
Evac:  4,500
Crew Quarters
	Basic:  400
	Expanded:  75
	Luxury:  35
	Unusual:  20
Enviromental Systems
	Basic Life Support:  [11 Power/Round]
	Reserve Life Support:  [6 Power/Round]
	Emergency Life Support:  [42 Emergency Shelters]
	Gravity:  [1 Power/Round]
	Consumables:  3 years
	Replicator Systems
		Food:  [2 Power/Round]
			Type:  Nework of Small Replicators [2 Power/round]
			Type:  2 Large Units [2 Power/Replicator/round]
	Medical Facilities:  8 (+2) [8 Power/round]
	Recreation Facilities:  6 [12 Power/round]
	Personal Transport:  Tubrolifts, Jefferies Tubes [2 Power/Round]
	Fire Suppression System: [1 Power/Round when active]
	Cargo Holds:  700,000 Cubic Meters
		Locations:  Middle of Saucer Section, elsewhere throughout the hull
	Escape Pods
		Number:  160
		Capacity:   4 persons per pod

Propulsion Systems
Warp Drive
	Nacelles:  Type 6E8
		Speed:  6.0/9.4/9.8 [1 Power/0.2 Warp Speed]
	PIS:  Type H (12 hours at Maximum Warp)
Impulse Engine
	Type:  Class 8
	Speed:  0.75c/0.95c [7/9 Power/round]
	Location:  Saucer Section, Aft
Impulse Engine
	Type:  Class 8
	Speed:  0.75c/0.95c [7/9 Power/round]
	Location:  After terminus of Engineering Hull Spars
Reaction Control System:  (0.025c) [2 Power/Round when in use]

Power Systems
Warp Drive
	Type:  Class 10/P [Generates 530 Power/round]
	Location:  Control Tower
Impulse Engines(s):  2 Class 8 [Generates 64 Power/Engine/round]
Auxillary Power:  4 Reactors [Generates 5 Power/Reactor/round]
Emergency Power:  Type E [Generates 45 Power/round]
EPS:  Standard Power Flow, +100 Power transfer/round
Standard Usable Power:  678

Operations Systems
Bridge:  Saucer Dorsal, between the two Engineering hull spars
Battle Bridge:  Control Tower
	Core 1:  Saucer Starboard [5 Power/round]
	Core 2:  Saucer Port [5 Power/round]
	Core 3:  Control Tower [5 Power/round]
Navagational Deflector:  [5 Power/Round]
	Range:  10/20,000/50,000/150,000
	Accuracy: 5/6/8/11
	Location:  Saucer section, ventral
Sensor Systems
	Long Range Sensors:  [5 Power/Round]
		Range Package:  Type 6 (Accuracy 3/4/7/10)
			High Resolution:  5 Light-Years (0.5/0.6-1.0/1.1-3.7/3.8-5.0)
			Lower Resolution:  16 Light-Years (1/1.1-5.0/5.1-12.0/12.1-16.0)
		Strength Package:  Class 9 (Strength 9)
		Gain Package:  Class Beta (+2)
	Lateral Sensors:  [5 Power/Round]
		Strength Package:  Class 9 (Strength 9)
		Gain Package:  Class Beta (+2)
	Navigational Sensors: [5 Power/Round]
		Strength Package:  Class 10 (Strength 10)
		Gain Package:  Class Beta (+2)
	Probes:  40
	Sensor Skill:  5
Flight Control Systems
	Autopilot:  Shipboard Systems (Flight Control) 4, Coordination 2
	Navigational Computer
		Main:  Class 3 (+2) [2 Power/Round]
		Backups:  1
	Inertial Damping Field
			Strength:  9 [3 Power/Round]
			Number:  4
			Strength:  6 [2 Power/Round]
			Number:  4
	Attitude Control:  [1 Power/Round]
Communications Systems
	Type:  Class 9 [2 Power/Round]
		Strength:  9
		Security:  -6 (Class Delta uprating)
		Basic Uprating:  Class Alpha (+1)
	Emergency Communications:  Yes [2 Power/Round]
Tractor Beam
	Type:  Class Delta [3 Power/Strength Used/round]
		Accuracy:  4/5/7/10
		Location:  Aft Ventral
	Type:  Class Gamma [3 Power/Strength Used/round]
		Accuracy:  4/5/7/10
		Location:  Forward Dorsal
	Type:  Class Alpha [3 Power/Strength Used/round]
		Accuracy:  5/6/8/11
		Location:  Aft Shuttlebays

	Type:  Personal [5 Power/Use]
		Pads:  6
		Emitter/Receiver Array:  Personnel Type 6 (40,000 km range)
		Energizing/Transmission Coils:  Class H (Strength 8)
		Location:  2 in Saucer, 1 in each Spar
	Type:  Emergency [4 Power/Use]
		Pads:  22
		Emitter/Receiver Array:  Emergency Type 3 (15,000 km range)
		Energizing/Transmission Coils:  Class H (Strength 8)
		Location:  2 in Saucer, 1 in each Spar
	Type:  Cargo [4 Power/Use]
		Pads:  400 kg
		Emitter/Receiver Array:  Cargo Type 3 (40,000 km range)
		Energizing/Transmission Coils:  Class H (Strength 8)
		Location:  1 in Shuttlebay, 3 in the 3 Largest Cargo Bays
Cloaking Device:  No
Security Systems:
	Rating:  4
	Anti-Intruder System:  Yes [1 Power/Round]
	Internal Force Fields:  [1 Power/3 Strength]
Science Systems:  Rating 2 (+1) [2 Power/Round]

Tactical Systems
	Saucer Dorsal Phaser Array
		Type:  X
			Damage:  200 [20 Power]
			Number of Emitters:  200
				Rate of Fire:  5 Shots/Round
			Auto-Phaser Interlock:  4/5/7/10
		Range:  10/30,000/100,000/300,000
		Location:  Saucer Section, Dorsal
		Firing Arc:  f/p/s/d
	Saucer Ventral Phaser Array (Port)
		Type:  X
			Damage:  200 [20 Power]
			Number of Emitters:  200
				Rate of Fire:  5 Shots/Round
			Auto-Phaser Interlock:  4/5/7/10
		Range:  10/30,000/100,000/300,000
		Location:  Saucer Section, Ventral Port
		Firing Arc:  f/p/a/v
	Saucer Ventral Phaser Array (Starboard)
		Type:  X
			Damage:  200 [20 Power]
			Number of Emitters:  200
				Rate of Fire:  5 Shots/Round
			Auto-Phaser Interlock:  4/5/7/10
		Range:  10/30,000/100,000/300,000
		Location:  Saucer Section, Ventral Starboard
		Firing Arc:  f/s/a/v
	Saucer Aft Phaser Array (Port)
		Type:  X
			Damage:  200 [20 Power]
			Number of Emitters:  200
				Rate of Fire:  5 Shots/Round
			Auto-Phaser Interlock:  4/5/7/10
		Range:  10/30,000/100,000/300,000
		Location:  Saucer Section, Aft, Port
		Firing Arc:  a/p/d/v
	Saucer Aft Phaser Array (Starboard)
		Type:  X
			Damage:  200 [20 Power]
			Number of Emitters:  200
				Rate of Fire:  5 Shots/Round
			Auto-Phaser Interlock:  4/5/7/10
		Range:  10/30,000/100,000/300,000
		Location:  Saucer Section, Aft, Starboard
		Firing Arc:  a/s/d/v
	Control Tower Dorsal Phaser Array
		Type:  X
			Damage:  200 [20 Power]
			Number of Emitters:  200
				Rate of Fire:  5 Shots/Round
			Auto-Phaser Interlock:  4/5/7/10
		Range:  10/30,000/100,000/300,000
		Location:  Saucer Section, Ventral Starboard
		Firing Arc:  f/p/s/a/d
	Forward Starboard Isokinetic Cannon
		Damage:  1,000 [10 Power]
		Rate of Fire:  4 Shots/Round
		Targeting Systems:  3/4/6/9
		Range:  5/15,000/50,000/150,000
		Location:  Saucer Ventral Forward Starboard
		Firing Arc:  Forward
	Forward Port Isokinetic Cannon
		Damage:  1,000 [10 Power]
		Rate of Fire:  4 Shots/Round
		Targeting Systems:  3/4/6/9
		Range:  5/15,000/50,000/150,000
		Location:  Saucer Ventral Forward Port
		Firing Arc:  Forward
	Forward Ventral Torpedo Launcher
		Standard Load:  Mark I Quantum Torpedo (400 Damage)
		Spread:  6
		Range:  15/350,000/1,500,000/4,050,000
		Targeting Systems:  Accuracy 3/4/6/9
		Power:  [5+Spread Fired]
		Location:  Forward Ventral beneath navigational deflector
		Firing Arc:  Forward, but are Self-Guided
	Saucer Forward Ventral Torpedo Launchers (3)
		Standard Load:  Mark I Quantum Torpedo (400 Damage)
		Spread:  6
		Range:  15/350,000/1,500,000/4,050,000
		Targeting Systems:  Accuracy 3/4/6/9
		Power:  [5+Spread Fired]
		Location:  Forward ventral on Saucer, below shuttlebay doors
		Firing Arc:  Forward, but are Self-Guided
	Saucer Aft Torpedo Launchers (1 Port, 1 Starboard)
		Standard Load:  Mark I Quantum Torpedo (400 Damage)
		Spread:  6
		Range:  15/350,000/1,500,000/4,050,000
		Targeting Systems:  Accuracy 3/4/6/9
		Power:  [5+Spread Fired]
		Location:  Aft edge of saucer, one to port & one to starboard
		Firing Arc:  Aft, but are Self-Guided
	Saucer Dorsal Torpedo Launchers (2 Port, 2 Starboard)
		Standard Load:  Mark I Quantum Torpedo (400 Damage)
		Spread:  6
		Range:  15/350,000/1,500,000/4,050,000
		Targeting Systems:  Accuracy 3/4/6/9
		Power:  [5+Spread Fired]
		Location:  Edges of saucer, dorsal, two to port & two to starboard
		Firing Arc:  Port or Starboard, but are Self-Guided
	Forward Tower Torpedo Launcers (4)
		Standard Load:  Mark I Quantum Torpedo (400 Damage)
		Spread:  6
		Range:  15/350,000/1,500,000/4,050,000
		Targeting Systems:  Accuracy 3/4/6/9
		Power:  [5+Spread Fired]
		Location:  Forward on Control Tower
		Firing Arc:  Forward, but are Self-Guided
	Aft Tower Torpedo Launcher
		Standard Load:  Mark I Quantum Torpedo (400 Damage)
		Spread:  6
		Range:  15/350,000/1,500,000/4,050,000
		Targeting Systems:  Accuracy 3/4/6/9
		Power:  [5+Spread Fired]
		Location:  Aft side of Control Tower
		Firing Arc:  Aft, but are Self-Guided
	Torpedos Carried:  900
	TA/T/TS:  Class Gamma [2 Power/round]
		Strength:  9
		Bonus:  +2
	Weapons Skill:  5
	Shields (Forward, Aft, Port, Starboard, Dorsal, & Ventral)
		Shield Generator:  Class 5 (Protection 1,000) [67 power/round]
		Shield Grid:  Type C (50% increase to 1,500 Protection)
		Subspace Field Distortion Amplifier:  Class Zeta (Threshold 275)
		Recharging System:  Class I (45 Seconds)
		Backup Shield Generators 6 (1 per Shield)
			Protection:  666 per shield

Auxiliary Spacecraft Systems
	Shuttlebays:  Capacity for 100 Size worth of ships.
		Standard Complement:  12 to 48 Fighters, remaining space occupied by shuttlecraft
		Location(s):  Saucer section, forward & aft
	Captain's Yacht:  No
Description & Notes The Akira-Class Heavy Cruiser is perhaps one of the most heavily armed vessels ever created by Starfleet. Boasting six Type X Phaser Arrays & 15 Photon Torpedo Tubes, it can project an impressive amount of force The Akira began development in 2350 under the aegis of the Perimeter Defense Directive. The PDD saw a need for a cruiser with heavier armaments than existing Starfleet vessels, & began designing ships to fill that gap. Events durring the Akira's development process, such as the Cardassian War, Tzenkethi War, & the renewed contact with the Romulans only reienforced the need for the Akira & other PDD ships in the minds of Starfleet Command. The Akira entered service in 2368. In addition to its role as a defensive & threat-responce vessel, at which it excels, it acts as a carrier for Starfleet Attack Fighters, & other small vessels. The central axis of its saucer section includes two enormous shuttlebays connected by an extensive repair & maintance area. The carried ships depart the Akira through three shuttlebay doors on the forward side of the saucer, & return to roost through the two smaller shuttlebay doors on the aft side of the saucer. Physically, the Akira is one of Starfleet's most unusual designs. While it has the typical forward saucher (one nearly as wide as the saucer on a Sovereign-Class vessel), its Engineering hull consits of two large "spars", connected at their aft ends by two upward-slanted nacelle pylons. Where the spars attach to the the saucer, they create a "valley", in which the ship's bridge is located. This provides the bridge with an extra degree of protection against most attacks. When detached from the saucer section, the Engineering Hull resembles a giagantic letter pi with two warp nacelles. Where the two pylons meet between the spars, there's a large "control tower" which oversees the return of fighters (and protects them with torpedo launchers). The control tower contains the ship's Warp Core & Battle Bridge. Noteworty vessels/service record/encounters: USS Akira, NCC-62497, prototype; USS Black Elk, NCC-62505, lost durring routine patrol along Cardassian Border in 2369; USS Geronimo, destroyed in action in the Chin'toka System; USS Mateo, destroyed five Galor-Class vessels durring Operation: Return in 2374; USS Susquehanna, NCC-63549, engaged the Tholians during the Draconis IX Perimeter Action in 2371; USS Rabin, NCC-63293, helped to recapture the stolen USS Prometheus in 2375; USS Thunderchild, NCC-65449, participated in the defense of Sector 001 durring Borg incursion of 2373, helped to recapture the stolen USS Prometheus in 2375.

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The Sparta system