Spelling mistakes are there for a reason.
Tim "Slag" Bass
Hero Lab .por file
Strength 8, Stamina 6, Agility 3, Dexterity 2, Fighting 6, Intellect 5, Awareness 5, Presence 3
Accurate Attack, All-out Attack, Benefit, Alternate Identity 2: Choose Identity, Benefit, Wealth 3 (millionare), Chokehold, Close Attack 4, Daze (Intimidation), Diehard, Equipment 27, Evasion, Fast Grab, Improved Critical 2: Body Wrecking, Improved Grab, Improved Hold, Improved Initiative, Improved Initiative 2, Improved Smash, Improved Trip, Improvised Weapon 2, Instant Up, Interpose, Inventor, Languages 3, Prone Fighting, Quick Draw, Takedown, Taunt, Taunt, Teamwork, Ultimate Effort: Attack Roll, Uncanny Dodge
Acrobatics 2 (+5), Close Combat: Axe 1 (+7), Close Combat: Knife 1 (+7), Close Combat: Unarmed 2 (+8), Deception 2 (+5), Expertise (DEX): Guitar 6 (+8), Expertise (DEX): Violin 4 (+6), Expertise (FGT): Dirty Fighting 12 (+22/+18), Expertise (STR): Cowboy 10 (+18), Expertise: Business 6 (+11), Expertise: Criminal 5 (+10), Expertise: FBI 6 (+11), Expertise: Law 5 (+10), Expertise: Law Enforcement 6 (+11), Expertise: Marshal 10 (+15), Expertise: Metallurgy 10 (+15), Expertise: Mineral Mangment 10 (+15), Expertise: Mutant Studies 6 (+11), Expertise: Structural Engineer 6 (+11), Expertise: Theroretical Sceinces 10 (+15), Insight 2 (+7), Intimidation 8 (+11), Investigation 1 (+6), Perception 4 (+9), Persuasion 2 (+5), Ranged Combat: Auto Pistol 4 (+6), Ranged Combat: Form Ranged Attacks 4 (+6), Stealth 4 (+7), Technology 6 (+11), Treatment 2 (+7), Vehicles 7 (+9)
Bass type multiform
Earth Elemental (Activation: Free Action)
Earth Meld
Movement: Movement 3 (metahuman, Permeate 3: full speed; Limited: Earth)
Earth Strength: Enhanced Strength 4 (+4 STR; Limited to Lifting)
Earth Type: Variable 7 (metahuman; Limited: Single Substance, Limited: Must contact substance)
Road Rash : Damage 3 (Linked; DC 18; Reaction 3: reaction)
Protection: Protection 5 (armor, earth, +5 Toughness; Impervious; Fades)
Earthquake: Burst Area Affliction 6 (1st degree: Dazed and Vulnerable, 2nd degree: Stunned and Prone, Resisted by: Dodge, Overcome by Fortitude, DC 16; Burst Area 3: 120 feet radius sphere, DC 16, Extra Condition, Increased Duration: concentration; Limited: Along the ground, Limited Degree, Source: Ground Contact)
Anti-Quake: Burst Area Nullify 6 (Alternate; Counters: Earth, DC 16; Burst Area 2: 60 feet radius sphere, DC 16, Increased Duration: concentration; Limited: Ground Contact)
Crushing Grasp: Move Object 18 (Alternate; 6 ktons, DC 33; Damaging; Limited Material: Earth materials, Source: Ground Contact)
Earth Born: Nullify 6 (Alternate; Counters: Earth, DC 16; Reaction 3: reaction, Simultaneous; Limited: Ground Contact, Reduced Range: close)
Earth Moving: Move Object 9 (Alternate; 12 tons; Increased Duration: continuous, Increased Range: perception; Limited: earth, Source: Ground Contact)
Earthworks: Create 19 (Alternate; Volume: 500000 cft., DC 29; Innate, Precise; Diminished Range 3, Limited: Ground Contact)
Earthsight: Senses 5 (Analytical: Vision, Penetrates Concealment: Vision; Limited: Earthen Materials)
Heat Shield: Immunity 10 (metahuman, Common Descriptor: Heat)
Regrowth: Regeneration 5 (Every 2 rounds; Source: Ground Contact)
Stone Giant: Growth 12 (+12 STR, +12 STA, +6 Intimidate, -12 Stealth, -6 active defenses, +3 size ranks, +12 mass ranks, +1 ; Source: Earth)
Strongman: Density Growth 6 (Alternate; +6 STR, +6 STA, +6 mass ranks, -1 speed ranks; Density)
Tremorsense: Senses 6 (Accurate: Touch, Analytical: Touch, Extended: Touch 2: x100, Ranged: Touch; Source: Ground Contact)
Flame Archon (Activation: Free Action)
Fire Body: Insubstantial 3 (Energy; Progressive)
Flame on: Insubstantial 3 (Alternate; Energy)
Flame Aura: Damage 4 (fire, DC 19; Reaction 3: reaction, Selective)
Flame Burst: Burst Area Damage 6 (Alternate; fire, DC 21; Burst Area 2: 60 feet radius sphere, DC 16)
Flame Bolt: Damage 10 (fire, DC 25; Increased Range: ranged; Diminished Range 3)
Burning Ghost Fist (Alternate; Affects Corporeal 8, Dangerous 4)
Burning Knife Hand (Alternate; Affects Corporeal 8, Penetrating 9)
Burning Shotgun Hand (Alternate; Affects Corporeal 8, Multiattack, Reach (melee): 5 ft.)
Cooling Trend: Nullify 12 (Alternate; Counters: Heat, DC 22)
Cutting Torch
Damage: Damage 5 (fire, DC 20; Accurate: +2, Linked: Weaken: Weaken 3)
Weaken: Weaken 3 (fire, Resisted by: Fortitude, DC 13; Affects Objects Only)
Flame Hands: Strength-based Damage 1 (Alternate; bludgeoning, fire, DC 24)
Immolate: Damage 6 (Alternate; fire, DC 21; Increased Duration: concentration, Increased Range: ranged; Diminished Range)
Flame Pillar: Growth 12 (+6 Intimidate, -12 Stealth, -6 active defenses, +3 size ranks, +1 speed ranks; Limited to Increasing Size Only)
Immunity: Immunity 10 (Common Descriptor: Fire)
Pyrokinesis: Shapeable Area Damage 6 (DC 21; Shapeable Area: 30 cft., DC 16, Increased Range: ranged; Limited: Existing Fire, Noticeable: Flame Contact, Tiring)
Running Speed: Speed 7 (fire, Speed: 250 miles/hour, 0.5 miles/round; Noticeable: Flame Trail)
Crowning: Leaping 6 (Alternate; fire, Leap 500 feet at 120 miles/hour)
Garbage Monster (Activation: Free Action)
Earthsight: Senses 4 (Penetrates Concealment: Vision; Limited: Earthen Materials)
Growth: Growth 12 (+6 Intimidate, -12 Stealth, -6 active defenses, +3 size ranks, +1 speed ranks; Limited to Increasing Size Only)
Hide in plane sight: Concealment Attack 6 (All Olfactory Senses, All Visual Senses, DC 16; Attack: Dodge; Activation: move action, Blending)
Insubstantial: Insubstantial 1 (Fluid)
Movement: Movement 3 (Permeate 2: speed rank -1, Trackless: visual 1)
Regrowth: Regeneration 5 (Every 2 rounds; Source: Junk)
Sand Burst: Burst Area Damage 4 (friction, DC 19; Burst Area: 30 feet radius sphere, DC 14)
Trash Field: Line Area Damage 4 (Alternate; DC 19; Line Area 2: 5 feet wide by 60 feet long, DC 14; Source: Debris)
Trash Punch: Damage 8 (Alternate; DC 23; Increased Range 2: perception; Source: Debris, Tiring)
Sand Storm: Cloud Area Affliction 8 (1st degree: Hindered, 2nd degree: Disabled, 3rd degree: Incapacitated, Resisted by: Fortitude, DC 18; Cloud Area 3: 60 feet radius sphere, DC 18, Increased Duration: concentration, Increased Range 2: perception; Fades, Instant Recovery, Source: Debris, Tiring)
Earth Spray: Cumulative Affliction 10 (Alternate; 1st degree: Impaired, 2nd degree: Disabled, 3rd degree: Unaware, Resisted by: Fortitude, DC 20; Cumulative, Increased Range: ranged; Limited: Vision)
Quick Sand: Burst Area Affliction 10 (Alternate; 1st degree: Fatigued, 2nd degree: Immobile, 3rd degree: Paralyzed, DC 20; Alternate Resistance (Dodge), Burst Area 3: 120 feet radius sphere, DC 20; Limited: Movement, Source: Debris)
Sand Blast: Strength-based Damage 3 (Alternate; DC 26; Increased Range 2: perception)
Tremorsense: Senses 5 (Accurate: Touch, Acute: Touch, Extended: Touch 1: x10, Ranged: Touch)
Tremorsense: Senses 5 (Alternate; Accurate: Touch, Extended: Touch 2: x100, Ranged: Touch)
Gas Bag (Activation: Free Action)
Cloud others: Concealment Attack 4 (All Visual Senses, DC 14; Attack: Dodge)
Concealment: Concealment 5 (All Visual Senses, Sense - Smell)
Flight: Flight 5 (Speed: 60 miles/hour, 900 feet/round)
Gas Type: Variable 6 (Limited: Exposure to gas)
Strength Effect (Linked; Affects Corporeal, Penetrating 8)
What powers punch Nullify: Nullify 12 (Linked; Counters: Metahuman, DC 22; Broad; Reduced Range: close)
Growth: Growth 12 (+6 Intimidate, -12 Stealth, -6 active defenses, +3 size ranks, +1 speed ranks; Limited to Increasing Size Only)
Insubstantial: Insubstantial 2 (Gaseous)
Regrowth: Regeneration 5 (Every 2 rounds)
Gorton's Fisherman (Activation: Free Action)
Concealment: Concealment 6 (All Aural Senses, All Visual Senses; Limited: Limited to Underwater)
Growth: Growth 12 (+12 STR, +12 STA, +6 Intimidate, -12 Stealth, -6 active defenses, +3 size ranks, +12 mass ranks, +1 ; Source: External Water)
Cloud Burst
Rain: Cloud Area Feature 1 (Cloud Area 5: 250 feet radius sphere, DC 11)
Rain: Concealment 6 (All Olfactory Senses, All Visual Senses; Limited 2: Must have the ability to fall, Passive)
Rain: Movement 1 (Safe Fall)
Insubstantial: Insubstantial 1 (Fluid)
Regrowth: Regeneration 5 (Every 2 rounds; Source: Water Contact)
Swimming: Swimming 10 (Speed: 500 miles/hour, 1 mile/round)
Water Walking: Movement 2 (Alternate; Water Walking 2)
Tsunami: Line Area Damage 3 (DC 18; Line - Width Area 4: 120 feet feet wide, Line Area 4: 5 feet wide by 250 feet long, DC 13, Increased Range 2: perception; Limited: Along Shoreline, Limited: Originating from Bodies of Water, Limited: Contact with water, Source: Existing Water, Tiring)
Drown: Concentration Cumulative Affliction 4 (1st degree: Fatigued, 2nd degree: Exhausted, 3rd degree: Incapacitated, Resisted by: Fortitude, DC 14; Concentration, Cumulative)
Water Shaping: Cylinder Area Create 1 (Volume: 2 cft., DC 11; Cylinder Area 3: 120 feet cylinder, DC 11, Increased Duration: continuous, Movable; Reduced Range: close, Source: Water)
Hydrokinesis: Move Object 9 (Alternate; 12 tons, DC 24; Damaging, Increased Range: perception; Limited: Water, Limited: Water Contact)
Ship Breaker Hydrokinesis: Move Object 12 (Alternate; 1600 ktons; Increased Mass 14, Increased Range: perception; Activation 2: standard action, Check Required 6: DC 15 - Technology, Limited: Water, Limited: Must have water contact)
Water Hammer: Damage 12 (water impact, DC 27)
Water Blast: Damage 6 (Alternate; water impact, DC 21; Increased Range: ranged)
Water Cannon: Cumulative Line Area Affliction 4 (Alternate; 1st degree: Dazed, 2nd degree: Prone, DC 14; Alternate Resistance (Dodge), Line Area 3: 5 feet wide by 120 feet long, DC 14, Cumulative; Limited Degree, Source: External Water)
Waterproof: Immunity 10 (Common Descriptor: Water)
Ice Monster (Activation: Free Action)
Cold Blast: Affliction 9 (cold, 1st degree: Fatigued, 2nd degree: Exhausted, 3rd degree: Incapacitated, Resisted by: Fortitude, DC 19; Extended Range, Increased Range: ranged)
Cold Projection: Environment 9 (Alternate; Cold (Extreme), Radius: 1 mile)
Giant Snow Ball: Burst Area Damage 4 (Alternate; cold, DC 19; Burst Area 2: 60 feet radius sphere, DC 14, Increased Range: ranged)
Heat Wave: Nullify 12 (Alternate; Counters: Cold, DC 22)
Ice Blast: Damage 9 (Alternate; cold, DC 24; Increased Range: ranged)
Ice Body Weapons: Strength-based Damage 1 (Alternate; bludgeoning, cold, piercing, DC 24; Penetrating 11)
Ice Slick: Burst Area Affliction 6 (Alternate; ice, 1st degree: Hindered, Vulnerable, 2nd degree: Defenseless, Prone, DC 16; Alternate Resistance (Dodge), Burst Area: 30 feet radius sphere, DC 16, Extra Condition, Increased Range: ranged; Limited Degree)
Ice Spikes: Cloud Area Damage 6 (Alternate; DC 21; Cloud Area 2: 30 feet radius sphere, DC 16)
Giant Snow Monster: Growth 12 (+12 STR, +12 STA, +6 Intimidate, -12 Stealth, -6 active defenses, +3 size ranks, +12 mass ranks, +1 ; Source: External Ice or Water)
Blizzard: Environment 6 (Alternate; cold, wind, Cold, Visibility (-2), Radius: 900 feet)
Snow Burst
Growth: Growth 4 (+2 Intimidate, -4 Stealth, -2 active defenses, +1 size rank; Limited to Increasing Size Only)
Insubstantial: Insubstantial 1 (Fluid)
Obscure: Obscure 5 (Affects: One Sense Type - Vision, Area: 500 feet radius)
Ice Armor: Protection 12 (+12 Toughness; Impervious)
Ice Walking: Movement 2 (Environmental Adaptation: Ice, Trackless: Choose Sense 1)
Immunity: Immunity 10 (Common Descriptor: Cold)
Regrowth: Regeneration 5 (Every 2 rounds)
Terrifying Roar: Enhanced Trait 2 (Traits: Intimidation +10 (+21))
Thermal Vision: Senses 1 (Infravision)
Living Lightning (Activation: Free Action)
Arc Strike: Strength-based Damage 1 (electricity, DC 24; Increased Range: ranged)
Ghost Touch (Alternate; Affects Corporeal 2)
Power Devices: Feature 1 (Alternate; electricity; Affects Objects Only, Increased Range: ranged)
Electric Aura: Damage 5 (DC 20; Reaction 3: reaction, Selective; Fades, Limited: Conductors, Noticeable: Small arcs off body)
Electric Body: Insubstantial 3 (Energy)
Insubstantial: Insubstantial 3 (Alternate; Energy; Progressive)
Electric Growth: Growth 12 (+6 Intimidate, -12 Stealth, -6 active defenses, +3 size ranks, +1 speed ranks; Limited to Increasing Size Only, Source: External Power)
Electrosense: Senses 4 (Acute: Electrosense, Detect: Electricity 2: ranged, Extended: Electrosense 1: x10)
Immunity: Immunity 10 (Common Descriptor: Electricity)
Lightning: Damage 8 (electricity, DC 23; Increased Range: ranged)
Ball Lightning: Burst Area Damage 6 (Alternate; electricity, DC 21; Burst Area: 30 feet radius sphere, DC 16, Increased Range: ranged; Diminished Range 2)
Electric Ground: Nullify 12 (Alternate; Counters: Electricity, DC 22)
EMP: Nullify 16 (Alternate; Counters: electricity, DC 24; Simultaneous; Reduced Range: close)
Taser: Affliction 9 (Alternate; 1st degree: Dazed, 2nd degree: Stunned, 3rd degree: Incapacitated, Resisted by: Fortitude, DC 19; Increased Range: ranged; Diminished Range 2)
Welding: Damage 15 (Alternate; DC 29; Affects Objects Only, Precise)
Zeus Strike: Damage 14 (Alternate; electricity, DC 29; Extended Range 2, Increased Range: ranged, Indirect 2: any point away or fixed point in fixed direction; Activation 2: standard action, Unreliable (5 uses))
Regrowth: Regeneration 5 (electricity, Every 2 rounds; Source: External Power)
Static Flight: Flight 8 (Speed: 500 miles/hour, 1 mile/round)
Transmit: Teleport 8 (Alternate; 1 mile in a move action, carrying 50 lbs.; Accurate; Medium: Conductor)
Cybernetics (Free device, Removable)
Cybereyes: Senses 7 (Counters Illusion: Vision, Extended: Vision 1: x10, Infravision, Low-light Vision, Time Sense, Ultravision; Feature: H.U.D.)
Fourfinger: Radio Communication 4 (Subtle: encrypted)
Autistic Mode
Deactivate Technology: Nullify 1 (Counters: Radios, DC 11; Broad, Simultaneous; Diminished Range 3)
Mind Shield: Immunity 10 (Common Descriptor: Mental Affliction)
Communication: Mental Communication 4 (Alternate; Subtle: encrypted)
Comprehend: Comprehend 2 (Alternate; Languages - Speak All, Languages - Understand All)
Skeletal Reinforcement: Immunity 20 (Very Common Descriptor: Bludgeoning Damage; Limited - Half Effect)
Fighting Styles
Boxing (Advantages: Accurate Attack, All-out Attack, Close Attack 4, Diehard, Fast Grab, Improved Initiative 2, Improved Smash, Improved Trip, Takedown, Taunt)
Boxing Stats: Enhanced Trait 12.8 (Linked; Traits: Parry +6 (+12), Toughness +4 (+10), Fortitude +2 (+13), Expertise (FGT) +4 (+22))
El Macho Luchador (Advantages: Accurate Attack, Close Attack 6, Fast Grab, Great Endurance, Improved Initiative, Improvised Weapon 2, Precise Attack (All) 4, Set-up 2, Takedown 2, Teamwork)
Body Slam
Body Slam: Affliction 14 (Linked; 1st degree: Dazed, 2nd degree: Prone, 3rd degree: Incapacitated, Resisted by: Fortitude, DC 24; Grab-based)
Body Slam: Strength-based Damage 2 (Linked; DC 25; Dangerous 4)
Flying Body Slam
Flying Body Slam: Affliction 14 (Linked; 1st degree: Vulnerable, 2nd degree: Defenseless, 3rd degree: Unaware, Resisted by: Fortitude, DC 24; Activation: move action, Grab-based)
Flying Body Slam: Strength-based Damage 2 (Linked; DC 25; Dangerous)
Knee Strike
Knee Strike: Affliction 10 (Linked; 1st degree: Fatigued, 2nd degree: Disabled, 3rd degree: Paralyzed, Resisted by: Fortitude, DC 20; Activation: move action)
Knee Strike: Strength-based Damage 6 (Linked; DC 29; Dangerous 2, Feature: +5 to break Grab)
Luchador Stats: Enhanced Trait 10 (Linked; Traits: Parry +2 (+14), Athletics +5 (+13), Toughness +2 (+12), Fortitude +4 (+17), Close Combat +5 (+11))
Judo (Advantages: Close Attack 4, Fast Grab, Improved Initiative, Uncanny Dodge)
Back Leg Sweep
Back Leg Sweep: Affliction 10 (Linked; 1st degree: Impaired, 2nd degree: Prone, DC 20; Alternate Resistance (Dodge); Activation: move action, Limited Degree)
Back Leg Sweep: Strength-based Damage 1 (Linked; DC 24; Tripping)
Body Tackle
Massive Knockback: Move Object 16 (Linked; 1600 tons; Custom: Linked to Strength Damage; Limited: Flinging Targets Away, Reduced Range: close)
Hold Breaker: Enhanced Trait 6 (Linked; Traits: Dodge +6 (+12); Limited: Resisting Grabs and Breaking Holds)
Judo Stats: Enhanced Trait 12 (Linked; Traits: Parry +5 (+17), Toughness +4 (+14), Expertise (FGT) +10 (+32), Close Combat +5 (+11))
Knife Hand (Linked; Dangerous 4, Penetrating 8)
Krav Maga (Advantages: All-out Attack, Close Attack 4, Fast Grab, Improved Defense, Improved Disarm, Improved Initiative 2, Improved Trip, Improvised Weapon 2, Uncanny Dodge, Weapon Bind)
Hold Breaker: Enhanced Trait 6 (Linked; Traits: Dodge +6 (+12); Limited: Resisting Grabs and Breaking Holds)
Knee Strike
Knee Strike: Affliction 12 (Linked; 1st degree: Vulnerable, 2nd degree: Stunned, Resisted by: Fortitude, DC 22; Activation: move action, Limited Degree)
Knee Strike: Strength-based Damage 1 (Linked; DC 24; Dangerous)
Krav Maga stats: Enhanced Trait 10 (Linked; Traits: Parry +4 (+16), Toughness +2 (+12), Fortitude +2 (+15), Expertise (FGT) +5 (+27), Close Combat +5 (+11))
Throte Punching
Massive Knockback: Move Object 4 (Linked; 800 lbs.; Custom: Linked to Strength Damage; Limited: Flinging Targets Away, Reduced Range: close)
Throte Punching: Progressive Affliction 10 (Linked; 1st degree: Dazed, 2nd degree: Stunned, 3rd degree: Incapacitated, Resisted by: Fortitude, DC 20; Progressive; Activation: move action, Check Required 10: DC 19 - Dirty Fighting)
Throte Punching: Strength-based Damage 1 (Linked; DC 24; Dangerous 4)
HtH Array
Body Wrecking (Advantages: Improved Critical 2)
Body Wrecking, Damage: Strength-based Damage 2 (Linked; bludgeoning, DC 25, Notes: Does not need to damage to inflict effect)
Body Wrecking, Damage: Weaken 12 (Linked; Affects: Strength, Resisted by: Fortitude, DC 22; Check Required 10: DC 19 - Dirty Fighting)
Breath Taker
Breath Taker: Strength-based Damage 1 (Linked; bludgeoning, DC 24, Notes: Does not need to damage to inflict effect)
Breath Taker: Suffocation: Progressive Affliction 6 (Linked; 1st degree: Dazed, 2nd degree: Stunned, 3rd degree: Incapacitated, Resisted by: Fortitude, DC 16; Progressive; Check Required 10: DC 19 - Dirty Fighting)
Bring the Thunder (Notes: Using advanced knowlege of waveforms the character slaps the ground and causes a thunderous burst that distracts and deffens the people in the area.)
Bring the Thunder: Burst Area Affliction 9 (Linked; 1st degree: Dazed, 2nd degree: Stunned, 3rd degree: Paralyzed, Resisted by: Will, DC 19; Burst Area 2: 60 feet radius sphere, DC 19; Check Required 10: DC 19 - Dirty Fighting)
Bring the Thunder: Weaken 10 (Linked; Affects: Awareness, Resisted by: Fortitude, DC 20)
Chokehold: Affliction 12 (1st degree: Impaired, 2nd degree: Stunned, 3rd degree: Asleep, Resisted by: Fortitude, DC 22; Grab-based)
Counterstrike: Strength-based Damage 1 (bludgeoning, DC 24; Reaction 3: reaction; Check Required 5: DC 14 - Dirty Fighting, Custom: Attack Check Required.)
Ear Boxing
Ear Boxing, Affliction: Affliction 12 (1st degree: Dazed, Impaired, 2nd degree: Disabled, Stunned, DC 22; Alternate Resistance (Dodge), Extra Condition; Check Required 6: DC 15 - Dirty Fighting, Limited Degree)
Ear Boxing, Damage (bludgeoning; Innate, Notes: Does not need to damage to inflict effect)
Elbo: Strength-based Damage 2 (bludgeoning, DC 25; Dangerous 4, Feature: +2 to Athletics to break holds; Check Required: DC 10 - Dirty Fighting)
Eye Punch
Eye Punch, Affliction: Affliction 12 (1st degree: Visual Impared, 2nd degree: Visual Disabled, DC 22; Alternate Resistance (Dodge); Check Required 6: DC 15 - Dirty Fighting, Limited Degree)
Eye Punch, Attack (bludgeoning; Dangerous 4, Innate)
Fuck your door
Fuck your door: Strength-based Damage 4 (DC 27; Affects Objects Only, Dangerous 4; Limited: Doors and opening/closing systems)
Fuck your door: Weaken 14 (Affects: Doors and portals, Resisted by: Fortitude, DC 24; Affects Objects Only; Activation: move action)
Ground Guard
Enhanced Trait: Enhanced Trait 4 (Linked; Traits: Dodge +2 (+8), Parry +2 (+14); Grab-based)
Ground Game: Affliction 3 (Linked; 1st degree: Fatigued, 2nd degree: Exhausted, 3rd degree: Controlled, Resisted by: Fortitude, DC 13; Reaction 3: reaction; Check Required 5: DC 14 - Dirty Fighting)
Hip Throw: Affliction 12 (1st degree: Hindered, Vulnerable, 2nd degree: Stunned, Prone, DC 22; Alternate Resistance (Dodge), Extra Condition; Check Required 5: DC 14 - Dirty Fighting, Limited Degree)
Hit 'em All: Strength-based Burst Area Damage 1 (bludgeoning, DC 24; Burst Area: 30 feet radius sphere, DC 11, Selective; Check Required: DC 10 - Dirty Fighting)
Jump Kick
Jump Kick: Leaping 1 (Linked; Leap 15 feet at 4 miles/hour)
Jump Kick: Strength-based Damage 1 (Linked; DC 24; Dangerous 2)
Knockout (Advantages: Improved Critical 4)
Knockout Damage: Strength-based Damage 1 (Linked; bludgeoning, DC 24; Innate)
Knockout: Affliction: Affliction 18 (Linked; 3rd degree: Asleep, Resisted by: Fortitude, DC 28; Triggered: 1 use - If Damage occurs; Check Required 10: DC 19 - Dirty Fighting, Limited Degree (third only))
Knockout: Weaken 12 (Linked; Affects: Stamina, Resisted by: Fortitude, DC 22)
Master Grapler: Enhanced Trait 3 (Traits: Close Combat +10 (+16), Athletics +5 (+13))
Nerve Strike (Advantages: Improved Critical 2)
Nerve Strike, Affliction: Affliction 12 (Linked; 1st degree: Dazed, 2nd degree: Immobile, 3rd degree: Paralyzed, Resisted by: Will, DC 22; Check Required 10: DC 19 - Dirty Fighting)
Nerve Strike: Strength-based Damage 1 (Linked; bludgeoning, DC 24, Notes: Does not need to damage to inflict effect)
Nerve Strike: Weaken 12 (Linked; Affects: Agility, Resisted by: Fortitude, DC 22)
Sprawl and Ground (Notes: Quickly change stance and drive the oponent to the ground)
Sprawl and Ground Initiate: Strength-based Damage 2 (Linked; bludgeoning, DC 25; Reaction 3: reaction; Grab-based, Notes: Does not need to damage to inflict effect)
Sprawl and ground: Nullify 15 (Linked; bludgeoning, Counters: Opponent Close Attacks, DC 25; Precise; Check Required 5: DC 14 - Dirty Fighting, Reduced Range: close)
Sucker Punch
Sucker Punch: Progressive Affliction 12 (Linked; 1st degree: Impaired, 2nd degree: Stunned, 3rd degree: Incapacitated, Resisted by: Fortitude, DC 22; Progressive; Activation: move action, Check Required 14: DC 23 - Dirty Fighting)
Sucker Punch: Strength-based Damage 1 (Linked; DC 24; Dangerous 4)
Sucker Punch: Weaken 4 (Linked; Affects: Stamina, Resisted by: Fortitude, DC 14)
Takedown : Affliction 12 (Linked; 1st degree: Vulnerable, 2nd degree: Immobile, 3rd degree: Controlled, Resisted by: Fortitude, DC 22; Activation: move action)
Takedown damage: Strength-based Damage 1 (Linked; bludgeoning, DC 24; Innate; Check Required: DC 10 - Dirty Fighting)
Thunderclap: Burst Area Affliction 12 (1st degree: Impaired, 2nd degree: Stunned, Resisted by: Fortitude, DC 22; Burst Area: 30 feet radius sphere, DC 22; Check Required 2: DC 11 - Dirty Fighting, Limited Degree)
Tug of War (Reaction 3: reaction, Notes: Used to cause damage by pulling a grabbing oponent into you when he goes to grab you)
Tully Reaction: Strength-based Damage 4 (bludgeoning, DC 27, Advantages: Ultimate Effort: Attack Roll; Innate, Reaction 3: reaction; Side Effect 2: always - Drop to bottom of initiative, Uncontrolled)
Immunity: Immunity 9 (Environmental Conditions (All), Sleep, Starvation & Thirst, Suffocation (All))
Movement Array
Running Jump: Leaping 2 (Leap 30 feet at 8 miles/hour; Quirk: Requires a running start)
Speed: Speed 4 (Speed: 30 miles/hour, 500 feet/round)
Power-Lifting: Enhanced Strength 4 (+4 STR; Limited to Lifting)
Reaction Form Activation (Reaction 3: reaction)
Gain New Form (Alternate; Reaction 3: reaction; Custom: d20+Fortitude vs d20+Effect)
Training Schools
Advanced Cardio: Enhanced Trait 4 (Traits: Athletics +5 (+13), Athletics +5 (+13), Stamina +1 (+7))
BATFE: Enhanced Trait 3 (Traits: Insight +3 (+10), Investigation +5 (+11), Technology +2 (+13), Expertise +5 (+10))
Coast Guard: Enhanced Trait 4 (Traits: Expertise +3 (+8), Technology +2 (+13), Vehicles +2 (+11), Close Combat +3 (+10), Perception +2 (+11), Ranged Combat +3 (+5), Advantages: Close Attack)
Dark Horse: Enhanced Trait 4 (Traits: Expertise +5 (+10), Technology +3 (+14), Perception +5 (+14), Deception +2 (+7), Advantages: Ritualist)
FBI: Enhanced Trait 6 (Traits: Insight +3 (+10), Investigation +3 (+9), Perception +3 (+12), Persuasion +3 (+8), Ranged Combat +3 (+5), Expertise +5 (+16), Close Combat +2 (+8), Treatment +3 (+10), Advantages: Close Attack)
Morning Run: Enhanced Trait 6 (Traits: Athletics +5 (+13), Acrobatics +3 (+8), Intimidation +2 (+13), Toughness +2 (+12), Dodge +2 (+8))
Advanced Parkour: Movement 5 (Alternate; Environmental Adaptation: Urban and Wilderness, Safe Fall, Sure-footed 2, Wall-crawling 1: -1 speed rank; Limited: Moving in Urban and Wilderness Environments [4 ranks only])
US Marshals: Enhanced Trait 5 (Traits: Insight +2 (+9), Investigation +3 (+9), Persuasion +3 (+8), Perception +3 (+12), Ranged Combat +3 (+5), Expertise +5 (+20), Close Combat +1 (+7), Advantages: Close Attack)
Wright Basic: Enhanced Trait 10 (Traits: Acrobatics +2 (+7), Athletics +3 (+11), Close Combat +3 (+9), Insight +3 (+10), Intimidation +3 (+14), Investigation +3 (+9), Deception +3 (+8), Ranged Combat +3 (+5), Technology +3 (+14), Treatment +4 (+11), Expertise +5 (+10), Expertise +5 (+10), Expertise +5 (+16), Vehicles +5 (+14))
Wright Business School: Enhanced Trait 4 (Traits: Expertise +5 (+16), Advantages: Connected, Contacts, Well-informed)
Wright HRT: Enhanced Trait 10 (Traits: Close Combat +5 (+12), Ranged Combat +5 (+7), Insight +2 (+9), Persuasion +3 (+8), Expertise +5 (+10), Stealth +5 (+12), Deception +5 (+10), Advantages: Precise Attack (All) 4)
Wright Leadership: Enhanced Trait 3 (Advantages: Assessment, Leadership, Teamwork)
Wright Opperations: Enhanced Trait 3 (Advantages: Assessment, Benefit, Security Clearance: Wright, Luck (Edit Scene))
Weapon Types
Baton: Enhanced Trait 11 (Traits: Parry +6 (+18), Close Combat +5 (+11), Advantages: Defensive Attack, Improved Initiative 3)
Bow Bonus: Enhanced Trait 11 (Traits: Ranged Combat +10 (+12), Dodge +4 (+10), Parry +2 (+14), Advantages: Improved Aim, Improved Initiative 2)
Gun Combat: Enhanced Trait 16 (Traits: Dodge +5 (+11), Advantages: Improved Aim, Improved Initiative 2, Ranged Attack 8)
Quick Draw
Out Draw (Linked; Reaction 3: reaction; Check Required: DC 10 - Perception, Limited: Revolvers)
Quick Draw: Enhanced Trait 12 (Linked; Traits: Ranged Combat +5 (+7), Improved Initiative +7 (+8), Advantages: Assessment, Improved Smash, Precise Attack (Ranged, Concealment), Precise Attack (Ranged, Cover); Limited: Revolvers)
Revolver Multi-Attack (Linked; Multiattack; Limited: Revolvers)
Wright Equipment (Removable)
Bow (Easily Removable)
Arrow, Cable: Movement 1 (Swinging)
Arrow, Explosive: Burst Area Damage 6 (DC 21; Burst Area 2: 60 feet radius sphere, DC 16, Increased Range: ranged)
Arrow, Net: Damage 2 (DC 17; Entangling, Extended Range 2, Grabbing (No Damage), Increased Range: ranged)
Arrow, Rocket Boost: Damage 6 (DC 21; Extended Range 6, Increased Range: ranged)
Arrow, Screamer: Line Area Perception Area Affliction 4 (1st degree: Dazed, 2nd degree: Defenseless, 3rd degree: Unaware, Resisted by: Will, DC 14; Line Area 4: 5 feet wide by 250 feet long, DC 14, Perception Area: DC 14 - Hearing, Increased Range: ranged)
Arrow, Standard: Damage 12 (DC 27; Increased Range: ranged)
Arrow, Taser: Burst Area Affliction 8 (1st degree: Dazed, 2nd degree: Stunned, 3rd degree: Incapacitated, Resisted by: Fortitude, DC 18; Burst Area: 30 feet radius sphere, DC 18, Increased Range: ranged)
Revolver (Free device, Easily Removable)
Heavy Revolver Ammunition, Explosive: Burst Area Damage 9 (DC 24; Burst Area: 30 feet radius sphere, DC 19, Dangerous 3, Extended Range, Increased Range: ranged; Noticeable: Loud and Awesome)
Revolver: Damage 6 (DC 21; Accurate: +2, Dangerous 4, Impressive, Increased Range: ranged)
Shock Batton (Free device, Easily Removable)
Shock Batton: Cumulative Affliction 12 (1st degree: Dazed, 2nd degree: Stunned, 3rd degree: Incapacitated, Resisted by: Fortitude, DC 22; Cumulative)
Shotgun (Free device, Easily Removable)
Shotgun, Armor-Piercing: Damage 4 (DC 19; Increased Range: ranged, Penetrating 6)
Shotgun, Buckshot: Cone Area Damage 6 (DC 21; Accurate: +2, Cone Area: 60 feet cone, DC 16, Impressive, Increased Range: ranged; Limited: Targets without armor)
Shotgun, Silver Cloud: Line Area Damage 8 (DC 23; Line Area: 5 feet wide by 30 feet long, DC 18, Increased Range: ranged; Bane: Silver vulnerable supernatural, Diminished Range 3)
Shotgun, Slug: Damage 7 (DC 22; Increased Range: ranged)
Shotgun, Wooden: Damage 12 (DC 27; Increased Range: ranged; Bane: Wood Vulnerable Supernatural)
Tonfa (Free device, Easily Removable)
Damage: Strength-based Damage 2 (bludgeoning, DC 25; Defensive)
Vibro Axe (Easily Removable)
Vibro Axe: Strength-based Damage 3 (slashing, DC 26; Affects Objects, Breaking, Dangerous 4, Penetrating 4)
Vibro Dagger (Free device, Easily Removable)
Vibro Knife: Strength-based Damage 1 (piercing, DC 24; Dangerous, Split: 2 targets)
Power Settings
Asphalt (Powers: Armor: Protection 5, Enhanced Extra 1, Road Rash, Terraport: Teleport 8)
Bismuth (Powers: Bismuth: Immunity 12, Immunity: Immunity 10, Toughness +6 (+16))
Concrete (Powers: Ablative Plate-Mail Armor, Immunity: Immunity 30, Strength Boost: Enhanced Trait 2)
Hard Rock (Powers: Protection: Protection 15)
Uranium (Powers: Depleted Sabo: Strength-based Damage 1, Impervious Defense: Impervious Toughness 6, Scrub Radiation: Burst Area Nullify 5)
Acidic Gas (Powers: Acid Weakness: Cloud Area Weaken 4, Damage: Damage 9)
Anti Mutant (Powers: Immunity: Immunity 2, Nullification Field: Burst Area Nullify 12)
Carbon Monoxide (Powers: Suffocation: Cumulative Progressive Affliction 5)
Ether Gas (Powers: Sleeping: Affliction 12)
Fog (Powers: Fog: Cloud Area Concealment Attack 3, Senses: Senses 2)
Radon Gas (Powers: Radon: Cloud Area Weaken 9)
1986 Ford F150, 2010 Nissan GT-R Premium Coupe, A6M5 Type 0 Model 52, ACJ-319, Cell Phone (Smartphone) [No Cost], Computer [No Cost], Dalphin Island Base, Earplugs [No Cost], Embraer EMB 314 Super Tucano, Flashlight [No Cost], Handcuffs [No Cost], Holy Book [No Cost], Jet Pack, M/Y Prelude, Restraints [No Cost], Wright Surrogate Mk 3 [No Cost], Wright Villa
Initiative +15
Acid Weakness: Cloud Area Weaken 4 (DC Fort 14)
Anti-Quake: Burst Area Nullify 6 (DC Will 16)
Arc Strike: Strength-based Damage 1, +6 (DC 24)
Arrow, Explosive: Burst Area Damage 6 (DC 21)
Arrow, Net: Damage 2, +2 (DC 17)
Arrow, Rocket Boost: Damage 6, +2 (DC 21)
Arrow, Screamer: Line Area Perception Area Affliction 4 (DC Will 14)
Arrow, Standard: Damage 12, +2 (DC 27)
Arrow, Taser: Burst Area Affliction 8 (DC Fort 18)
Back Leg Sweep: Affliction 10, +10 (DC Dog/Fort/Will 20)
Back Leg Sweep: Strength-based Damage 1, +10 (DC 24)
Ball Lightning: Burst Area Damage 6 (DC 21)
Body Slam: Affliction 14, +10 (DC Fort 24)
Body Slam: Strength-based Damage 2, +10 (DC 25)
Body Wrecking, Damage: Strength-based Damage 2, +10 (DC 25)
Body Wrecking, Damage: Weaken 12, +10 (DC Fort 22)
Breath Taker: Strength-based Damage 1, +10 (DC 24)
Breath Taker: Suffocation: Progressive Affliction 6, +10 (DC Fort 16)
Bring the Thunder: Burst Area Affliction 9 (DC Will 19)
Bring the Thunder: Weaken 10, +10 (DC Fort 20)
Cancer Beam: Progressive Affliction 5, +2 (DC Fort 15)
Chokehold: Affliction 12, +10 (DC Fort 22)
Cloud others: Concealment Attack 4, +10 (DC Dog 14)
Cold Blast: Affliction 9, +6 (DC Fort 19)
Cooling Trend: Nullify 12, +6 (DC Will 22)
Counterstrike: Strength-based Damage 1, +10 (DC 24)
Crushing Grasp: Move Object 18, +6 (DC 33)
Damage: Damage 5, +12 (DC 20)
Damage: Damage 9, +10 (DC 24)
Damage: Strength-based Damage 2, +10 (DC 25)
Deactivate Technology: Nullify 1, +2 (DC Will 11)
Depleted Sabo: Strength-based Damage 1, +10 (DC 24)
Drown: Concentration Cumulative Affliction 4, +10 (DC Fort 14)
Ear Boxing, Affliction: Affliction 12, +10 (DC Dog/Fort/Will 22)
Earth Born: Nullify 6, +10 (DC Will 16)
Earth Moving: Move Object 9 (DC 19)
Earth Spray: Cumulative Affliction 10, +6 (DC Fort 20)
Earthquake: Burst Area Affliction 6 (DC Fort/Will 16)
Elbo: Strength-based Damage 2, +10 (DC 25)
Electric Aura: Damage 5, +10 (DC 20)
Electric Ground: Nullify 12, +6 (DC Will 22)
EMP: Nullify 16, +10 (DC Will 24)
Extingisher: Burst Area Nullify 6 (DC Will 16)
Eye Punch, Affliction: Affliction 12, +10 (DC Dog/Fort/Will 22)
Flame Aura: Damage 4, +10 (DC 19)
Flame Bolt: Damage 10, +6 (DC 25)
Flame Burst: Burst Area Damage 6 (DC 21)
Flame Hands: Strength-based Damage 1, +10 (DC 24)
Flying Body Slam: Affliction 14, +10 (DC Fort 24)
Flying Body Slam: Strength-based Damage 2, +10 (DC 25)
Fog: Cloud Area Concealment Attack 3 (DC Dog 13)
Fuck your door: Strength-based Damage 4, +10 (DC 27)
Fuck your door: Weaken 14, +10 (DC Fort 24)
Giant Snow Ball: Burst Area Damage 4 (DC 19)
Grab, +10 (DC Spec 18)
Ground Game: Affliction 3, +10 (DC Fort 13)
Heat Wave: Nullify 12, +6 (DC Will 22)
Heavy Revolver Ammunition, Explosive: Burst Area Damage 9 (DC 24)
Hide in plane sight: Concealment Attack 6, +10 (DC Dog 16)
Hip Throw: Affliction 12, +10 (DC Dog/Fort/Will 22)
Hit 'em All: Strength-based Burst Area Damage 1 (DC 24)
Hydrokinesis: Move Object 9 (DC 24)
Ice Blast: Damage 9, +6 (DC 24)
Ice Body Weapons: Strength-based Damage 1, +10 (DC 24)
Ice Slick: Burst Area Affliction 6 (DC Dog/Fort/Will 16)
Ice Spikes: Cloud Area Damage 6 (DC 21)
Immolate: Damage 6, +6 (DC 21)
Jump Kick: Strength-based Damage 1, +10 (DC 24)
Knee Strike: Affliction 10, +10 (DC Fort 20)
Knee Strike: Affliction 12, +10 (DC Fort 22)
Knee Strike: Strength-based Damage 1, +10 (DC 24)
Knee Strike: Strength-based Damage 6, +10 (DC 29)
Knockout Damage: Strength-based Damage 1, +10 (DC 24)
Knockout: Affliction: Affliction 18, +10 (DC Fort 28)
Knockout: Weaken 12, +10 (DC Fort 22)
Lightning: Damage 8, +6 (DC 23)
Massive Knockback: Move Object 16, +10 (DC 26)
Massive Knockback: Move Object 4, +10 (DC 14)
Nerve Strike, Affliction: Affliction 12, +10 (DC Will 22)
Nerve Strike: Strength-based Damage 1, +10 (DC 24)
Nerve Strike: Weaken 12, +10 (DC Fort 22)
Nullification Field: Burst Area Nullify 12 (DC Will 22)
Pyrokinesis: Shapeable Area Damage 6 (DC 21)
Quick Sand: Burst Area Affliction 10 (DC Dog/Fort/Will 20)
Radiation Sickness: Progressive Cloud Area Affliction 3 (DC Fort 13)
Radon: Cloud Area Weaken 9 (DC Fort 19)
Revolver: Damage 6, +4 (DC 21)
Road Rash : Damage 3, +10 (DC 18)
Sand Blast: Strength-based Damage 3 (DC 26)
Sand Burst: Burst Area Damage 4 (DC 19)
Sand Storm: Cloud Area Affliction 8 (DC Fort 18)
Scrub Radiation: Burst Area Nullify 5 (DC Will 15)
Ship Breaker Hydrokinesis: Move Object 12 (DC 22)
Shock Batton: Cumulative Affliction 12, +10 (DC Fort 22)
Shotgun, Armor-Piercing: Damage 4, +2 (DC 19)
Shotgun, Buckshot: Cone Area Damage 6 (DC 21)
Shotgun, Silver Cloud: Line Area Damage 8 (DC 23)
Shotgun, Slug: Damage 7, +2 (DC 22)
Shotgun, Wooden: Damage 12, +2 (DC 27)
Sleeping: Affliction 12, +10 (DC Fort 22)
Sprawl and Ground Initiate: Strength-based Damage 2, +10 (DC 25)
Sprawl and ground: Nullify 15, +10 (DC Will 25)
Sucker Punch: Progressive Affliction 12, +10 (DC Fort 22)
Sucker Punch: Strength-based Damage 1, +10 (DC 24)
Sucker Punch: Weaken 4, +10 (DC Fort 14)
Suffocation: Cumulative Progressive Affliction 5, +2 (DC Fort 15)
Takedown : Affliction 12, +10 (DC Fort 22)
Takedown damage: Strength-based Damage 1, +10 (DC 24)
Taser: Affliction 9, +6 (DC Fort 19)
Throte Punching: Progressive Affliction 10, +10 (DC Fort 20)
Throte Punching: Strength-based Damage 1, +10 (DC 24)
Throw, +2 (DC 23)
Thunderclap: Burst Area Affliction 12 (DC Fort 22)
Trash Field: Line Area Damage 4 (DC 19)
Trash Punch: Damage 8 (DC 23)
Tsunami: Line Area Damage 3 (DC 18)
Tully Reaction: Strength-based Damage 4, +10 (DC 27)
Unarmed, +12 (DC 23)
Vibro Axe: Strength-based Damage 3, +11 (DC 26)
Vibro Knife: Strength-based Damage 1, +11 (DC 24)
Water Blast: Damage 6, +6 (DC 21)
Water Cannon: Cumulative Line Area Affliction 4 (DC Dog/Fort/Will 14)
Water Hammer: Damage 12, +10 (DC 27)
Weaken: Weaken 3, +10 (DC Fort 13)
Welding: Damage 15, +10 (DC 29)
What powers punch Nullify: Nullify 12, +10 (DC Will 22)
Zeus Strike: Damage 14, +6 (DC 29)
Flashbacks: Haunted by flash backs of both his life in his orginal universe conbined with memories of the version he replaced in this universe.
Identity: Seperated from his family by adoption into the Wright family
Power Activation: Tim must come in contact with the element or energy that he us turning into.
Relationship: Birdwell
Relationship: Rebbecca from the old verse still haunts him
Responsibility: Obligation to Wright. He rides for the brand.
Combat Handsigns, English, Hebrew, Spanish
Dodge 6, Parry 12/6, Fortitude 13/11, Toughness 10/6, Will 10
Power Points
Abilities 76 + Powers 297 + Advantages 51 + Skills 33 (164 ranks) + Defenses 13 = 470
Validation: Lightning: Damage 8 - Welding: Damage 15: Save DC exceeds Power Level limit by 1; Lightning: Damage 8 - EMP: Nullify 16: Save DC exceeds Power Level limit by 2; Earthquake: Burst Area Affliction 6 - Earthworks: Create 19: Exceeds Power Level limit by 7
Hero Lab and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free download at https://www.wolflair.com
Mutants & Masterminds, Third Edition is ©2010-2017 Green Ronin Publishing, LLC. All rights reserved.