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History of the Oakcorps

With the fall of civilization the town banded together for protection. Now almost 4 centuries latter, Oak Corps has arrisen to deal with the constant alien menace. The original group of defenders was little more than the police aided by groups of civilians. After the initial chaos the defender relised that they needed heavier weaponry.

Teams from Oakrige started raiding millitary bases and bringing back any thing they could. One more than one raid they were able to talk surviving solders into coming back to the town with them. With this start the Oak Guard was formed.

But as the city grew there security needs changed, nesesitating a larger group of difenders. The town took a vote and desided to iniate a manditory military servis period. Every male and some female child of age in Oakridge, Goes through a training cycle and inlistment term of 4 years. The training cycle is shortend by the fact that robot and power armor piloting are tought at Oakridge High. Many choose to stay in longer as the Corps, as the guard was now called, pays very well and lets you pick your assignment.

The Oak Corps HQ is the main staging area for the town guard. The corps has a constant force of 600 and 200 minute men(remnants of the old Guard). At any given time there are 100 to 200 men on patrol in the rail zone (150miles) in every direction. Another 200 personel man the outposts and fire look outs around the city.

The troops have lent towards pre-rifts weapons and our mostly equipped with M-20 Assault Rifles (Underseas p.117) and the M-2011 Energy Pistol (Underseas p.116). The Officers and Reserves can chose there own weapons and tend to prefer CS style weapons or the newer Oaktech weapons.

For armor, the inner circle troops use the NG-EX10 Gladius Light Exo-Skeleton Battle Armor (mercs p.101-102) as they can get to a recharger easily. For the patrols and out posts they use a variety of armors, PA's and robots. Any thing from Bushman (for every day use) to Titan Robots.

Vehicles of the Corps

When the Coprs was formed one of the pattrols had just found a large supply of super-dense chorme. One of the first projects the Corps under took was the refitting of the pre-Rifts vehiles they had in there inventory. Setting up a factory the Oakridge techs went to work refitting the vehicles.

All of the refitted Corps vehicles have an epoxy paint covering. The paint makes all of the vehicles look the same as the pre-refitt vehicles.

Light Patrol Group (6 man)
2 PA Pilot (Samson or Flying Titan)
3 grunts

Plastic Man body armor, M-20 rifles,
M-2011 side arm, vibro knife, 2 frag grenades
1 Officer
Smokey the bear PA, M-200 rifle, vibro knife,
M-2011 side arm, long range radio, fusion block
Note: The group will have a humvee or a unimog
and a hover cycle for the officer.
Standard Patrol Group (8 man)
2 PA Pilot (Samson or Flying Titan)
2 grunts
Plastic Man body armor, M-20 rifles,
M-2011 side arm, vibro knife, 2 frag grenades
1 Officer / Robot Pilot
Smokey the bear PA, M-200 rifle, vibro knife,
M-2011 side arm, long range radio, fusion block,
Titan Exploration Robot
1 Area specialist
as the grunts and a Polaris vehicle.
Note: The group will have a humvee or a unimog,
and a hovercycle for the officer.
Heavy Patrol Group (12 man)
4 PA Pilot (Samson or Flying Titan)
3 grunts
Plastic Man body armor, M-20 rifles,
M-2011 side arm, vibro knife, 2 frag grenades
1 Officer / Robot Pilot
Smokey the bear PA, M-200 rifle, vibro knife,
M-2011 side arm, long range radio, fusion block,
Titan Combat Robot
1 Area specialist
(Oakscout) Same equipment
as the grunts and a Polaris vehicle.
3 Armor Crew
(Bradley or M60-G)
Note: The group will have two humvee's or
unimog's, and a hovercycle for the officer.
Armor Group
2 PA Pilot (Flying Titan)
1 Titan Combat Robot
1 Titan Light Combat Robot
1 M1A2-G
2 M60-G