![]() After the success of the Smokey Bear PA the techs worked on a work unit that cold defend it self from a moderate attack. After working on the project for several months the kids at the middle school came up with the idea of styling it after a famed North American folklore hero. The winner's family of the "Choose the hero" contest received an Oaktech Polaris Ranger. The hero that won was Paul Bunyan, he was chosen for more than one reasons not the least of which was the fact that his persona fit the frame they had already built. Paul Bunyan Battle/Logging Power Armor Prototype date: PA59 Production date: PA63 Model Type: Oak0002 Class: Oaktech Heavy Work/Medium Battle Exoskeleton Crew: One M.D.C. by Location: Arms (2) -- 150 each Legs (2) -- 180 each *Head -- 80 **Main Body -- 270 *Destroying the head will eliminate all forms of optical enhancement and sensory systems. The pilot must now rely on his or her own vision and senses. No power armor combat bonuses to strike, parry, and dodge! Note: The head is a small and difficult target to hit. Thus it can only be hit when a character makes a called shot and even then the attacker is -3 to strike. **Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body will shut the armor down completely, making it useless. Speed: Running: 80 mph maximum. Not that the act of running does tire out its operator, but at 10% of the usual fatigue rate thanks to the robot exoskeleton. Leaping: The powerful robot legs can leap up to 25 feet high or across. Statistical Data: Height: 10 feet Width: 4.75 feet Length: 3 Weight: 683 lbs Physical Strength: Equal to a P.S. 55 Cargo: 1 pistol and a survival kit Power System: Nuclear; average life is 20 years. Market Cost: 2.7 million credits for the basic unit. Weapon Systems 1. Vibro Axe: A large double-headed vibro axe used for both work and Defense/Assault. Primary Purpose: Timber Harvesting Secondary Purpose: Defense / Assault Mega-Damage: 3D6+4 variable down to 1D4 SDC + PS bonus Range: 8.5 ft (Arm + Handle) 2. Vibro Pylons (6 per foot): Like the pylons on the on the famed Glitter Boy these little units extend from the feet of the Exoskeleton. Primary Purpose: Anchoring and climbing Secondary Purpose: Defense Mega-Damage: 1D4 Maximum Range: 8 inches 3. Shoulder Lasers: A pair of light lasers mounted on the shoulders Primary Purpose: Slash Clearing Secondary Purpose: Defense Mega-Damage: 1D6 each Maximum Range: 1000' 4. Hand to Hand Combat: Rather than use a weapon, the pilot can engage in mega-damage hand-to-hand combat. See Power Armour Combat Training in the Robot Combat section. 5. Sensor System Note: The Paul Bunyan Exoskeleton has does not have full optical systems, it does have telescopic, passive night vision (light amplification), thermo-imaging, infrared and polarization. Radio Communication: Long range, directional communication system with an effective range of about 100 miles, as well as a directional, short-range radio. Range is 5 miles. Plus a built-in loudspeaker; 80 decibels. Voice Actuated Locking System: an automatic locking system seals the hatches. A six digit spoken code programmed to a specific voice(s) pattern (six-voice memory) is standard operating procedure. A manual keypad is provided in case of system failure/override. Complete Environmental System: A mega-damage compartment that is air tight, pressurized and suitable for use in all hostile environments, including under water (500 foot max. depth) and space. The following features are included. Computer controlled life-support system. Internal cooling and temperature control. Computer controlled, independent oxygen supply and purge system that automatically engages in low oxygen or contaminated air environments. Eight-hour oxygen supply. Insulated, high temperature resistant shielding for up to 350 degrees centigrade. Normal fires do no damage. Nuclear, plasma, and magic fires do full damage. Radiation shielded. Polarized and light sensitive/adjusting tinted visor. |